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The sydney Flames are Sydneys WNBL (womens national basketball league) team.
In 1997 the FLames played a brilliant season and ended up playing in the Grandfinal against Adelaide Lightning.
and Sydney cheered when the final result was shown.. The Fiery Flames had won!
This season the Flames have once again played superbly, and once again are in the Grandfinal, and once again they are playing Adelaide Lightning! The game is played this Sunday, so as soon as I know about the game I will put the results up here. (and hopefully will also have some pictures by then too!)

The Flames

Alicia Poto
Annie Le Fleur
Michelle Griffiths
Rhonda Corkeron
Robin Maher
Karen Dalton

Unfortunately the Flames lost to the Adelaide Lightning, but played an excellent game!  Bad luck Flames.. its yours next year!